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My sister donna is in the hospital. She has had a blood transfusion and her potassium level is at 2. She really needs prayer. She had to cancel her test to see where her cancer is. Thank you for your prayerzs
This is a up date on my managers nephew: God is good!! he is out of danger. Surgery went well and he is off respirator and breathing on his on. He is answer questions by nodding head. Not able to talk yet because throat is swollen. He has one more surgery tomorrow for skin graft but he is doing great. Thank everyone for the prayers.
Please pray for my managers nephew, Gregory Tavarez. He is autistic and was hit by a car yesterday on his bicycle. He had surgery today on his leg and is In an induced coma because of brain swelling.
My son is a Police Officer in Wichita KS. And texted me that they have an Officer down and in critical condition. Please pray for a Divine healing for him and comfort for his family in this time of need.
Judy Moseley's son Mack Lemaster is in kidney failure. She's requesting prayer for his healing.
I want to thank everyone for the prayers. I serve the healer of all that never ceases to amaze me. When the neurologist came in to see David setting up eating, and ask if this is David Blair, his patient? David said, this is David, and the doctor said you are a very sick man and should be in bed. Amazed, no, a miracle in the making!
Please pray for Barbara Johnson diagnosed with small cell inflammatory breast cancer which very aggressive and in the late stages. Please pray that God would reveal himself to her that he is with her she very angry.
Please pray for David Blair. Admitted to PMC with spinal meningitis. He needs healing for body and soul. Also remember Vickie and the girls.
Please pray for Raymond Welcom as he is scheduled open heart surgery on Monday.
Please pray for the baby of a dear friend of mine. The baby's name is Peyton James Grace. He is only 1 month old and was admitted to the hospital last night. Doctors say that he has fluid on his left lung and think it could be pneumonia. Please pray for this precious baby and his parents.
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