You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Please keep Thomas in your prayers, he is very sick and has tested positive for the flu.
Please pray for my cousin Tina, an MRI shows that she has a tumor growing on her L3 , spine vertebra. Radiation has been suggested, but she has declined that, putting her faith in the one healer, God ...
Please pray for a healing for a friend of a friend. Danielle Klotsbach has 4 young children, and a husband, she has stage 4 cancer and is scheduled for surgery this Thursday (jan. 25). Friends are helping all they can, but she needs God's healing touch.
Tomorrow is my laparoscopic surgery to look for endometriosis. My Doctor is also going to run a dye pack through me to see if my tubes are plugged. If he finds that my tubes are plugged they may open me up to clear the blockage. Please pray that there be no blockage, or endometriosis.
Please pray for Donna Holloway who has been admitted to Parrish Medical. She is very sick. Her husband, Mark, is very upset. They both need not only healing, but salvation.
Please pray for our son, Tim. He has major eye problems. He will be having tests done to see what is really the problem. We are trusting in God. Thanks
Please pray for Freddie Shipman who is hospitalized with upper respiratory infection and pneumonia, in advanced stage. Mom sent specific requests to church because she heard that we are a praying church and miracles happens when we pray.
Update on Doug The EEG showed continuous seizures. They are in the process of changing his medication in hopes that will stop the seizures. Doug's left arm keeps going numb. Doug has fear that is causing him stress. Please continue to pray for a healing touch and that Jesus will give him peace of mind. He is encouraged with all the visits from church. I want to thank everyone who has gone to see and pray with him.
Few weeks back I requested prayer for my sister Charmain Henry who was having serious medical issues which went undiagnosed. Tests and X-ray point to a ruptured appendix with a huge mass surrounding her appendix. She came to Florida seeking medical treatment, and pending surgery. After seeing the Dr and further extensive testing, the Dr reported today there is no mass, appendix is in tack, absolutely nothing detected. I declare to you God did a miracle. Thank you for your prayers my sister is completely healed.
Doug was in emergency last night with a seizure and released. This morning he had to go back because he had several back to back seizures.He has seizures but multiple back to back is not normal. Please pray for healing and guidence for Doug and Karen.
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